Snapmaker Artisan/2.0 allows you to flexibly switch between laser and CNC functions, offering the unique ability to precisely engrave detailed designs before seamlessly transitioning to cutting operations.
This guide will walk you through a common practice of combining laser with CNC: first use laser to engrave a picture on the surface of basswood, then use CNC to cut out the engraved piece. During machining, you will need the tools and materials listed below.
The following flowchart outlines the procedures for using laser engraving and CNC cutting:
In this project, we will use the laser module to engrave a tiger image on the basswood, then use the CNC module to cut away the extra material.
If you are using the 20W/40W laser module, please refer to the brief instructions below.
Please prepare your G-code file in advance.
Luban supports the following formats of the design file: .stl, .svg, .jaeg, .png, .jpg, .bmp, .dxf, .snaplzr.
Snapmaker Luban cannot guarantee compatibility with all .dxf files exported from various software. For those .dxf files that are compatible, the parsing results may vary depending on the software used for export.
Please record the size you set for the laser work, which would be helpful in configuring CNC 2D contour size settings later on.
Please read the following instructions to clamp the material onto the laser engraving and cutting platform.
To ensure that the laser is best focused during machining, you need to adjust the Z-axis height of the laser module.
Please refer to the instructions below to set the work origin for your laser job.
Keep the machine attended throughout the task!
If you are using the 10W laser module, please refer to the instructions here to get your laser work ready.
In the illustrated example, the width and height of laser work are both 100mm, so we set the width and height of the 2D contour also to 100mm. However, if you prefer to leave some space around your laser work to make the edges untouched, you can set the 2D contour size to be slightly bigger than that of the laser work.
You can click the lock button to lock and unlock the width-height ratio.
Click either Next to switch to Process Panel.
Select the rectangle and click Create Toolpath.
The height of the basswood used in the example is 10mm. We want it to be cut through, so here we need to set the Target Depth to 10mm. For parameters like work speed, you can also refer to our officially recommended parameters for 200W CNC Module.
Please read the instructions below to install 3.175mm flat end mill onto your CNC module.
On Touchscreen, open the G-code file, and set the work origin.
After setting the work origin, run boundary to make sure that the future machining area is as expected.
On Touchscreen, open the G-code file, and refer to section 5.6 Set the Work Origin and Start Carving to set the work origin.
After setting the work origin, run boundary to make sure that the future machining area is as expected.
Tap Start Job on Touchscreen to start the 2D contour process.
Ensure that you place the Integrated Controller within easy reach. In case of an emergency, press the emergency stop button on top of the Integrated Controller to stop the job immediately. After you have handled the emergency, rotate the emergency stop button clockwise to release it.
It is not recommended to turn on the exhaust fan of the Enclosure during a CNC process, or the dust and wood chips generated will attach to the inner surfaces of the Enclosure and the exhaust fan.
Gently remove the tabs around it, then your laser-CNC work is ready!